Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Katie Couric on Girl Scouts

Visit Katie Couric on whosay to see more photos.

Katie Couric was featured on Good Morning America this morning to help kick off the To Get Her There campaign in conjunction with Girl Scouts of America. To Get Her There is powered by Girl Scouts with the goal of achieving gender-balanced leadership in every industry and every community in a single generation. Catch the full segment online here.

Also, be sure to check out Katie Couric's thoughts on Girl Scouts from here time as a Girl Scout and the importance of the organization today at abcnews.com's blog, or by clicking here.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Samoa Frappuccino

Have you tried the Starbucks' "Samoa Frappuccino?" With a caramel drizzle and coconut flavor added to a  mocha frappuccino, fans of the drink say it is a "dead ringer for the Girl Scout Cookie!" Celebrate cookie season with one of these tasty treats today!

Are you using Girl Scout Cookies to make fun desserts, snacks or in other unique ways? Share with us in the comment section!